Thursday, July 28, 2011

Psyciatric Ward thread (need doctor and paitients)

(ok so just jump in really i would like to have an even number of paitients to doctors so if one person post as a paitinet then i'd like someone else to post as a doctor if this doesnt work then well see how it goes)


Ali yawned lightly as he awoke, stretching his arms behind him so they touched the wall behind him. Sitting up slowly he looked around the room in confusion, the writting was on his walls again and all over his arms again. He began to breathe quickly closing his eyes he began to rub and scratch at his arms trying to get rid of the words on his arms. How could the words be there again? He wasn't allowed pens in his room or at any times since he would usually either try to stab people or write on anything he could get his hand on including himself and others.

Ali threw back the covers of his bed and liften up the materess running his hands along it trying to find a pen but he couldn't. Grunting in frustration Ali slammed the matress back on the bed and tilted the bed up to see if he had any pens left hidden within the metal. None there either he sighed and tipped the bed upside down sending the crashing noise around the walls. He continued to sctratch his arms the words still apearing bright as day. His arms were bleeding now not heavily just slow trickles of blood like spots, Ali groaned lightly trying to get out of his room the door was locked banging on the door he cried out loudly.

~There's only now, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss~ - RENT

~ If at first you don't succed, Destroy all evidence that you tried ~


brian jones amy lee black widow black widow rip bryan stow bmc

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